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Mechanical Engineering

Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control


The maintenance of physical assets can no longer be treated as an engineering problem. The competitive environment in which business operates requires an approach that integrates the operational objectives of the business and the lifecycle objectives of the physical assets.

The effectiveness of asset management has not improved significantly in many organizations in spite of the implementation of powerful computerized management systems. Research shows that a lack of physical asset management skills at all levels of the maintenance and operations workforce lies at the core of the problem.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to

  • Identify planning best practices and key Elements for taking action on them
  • Understand how world-class organizations solve common planning problems,
  • Evaluate your practices compared to those of others
  • Improve the use of your information and communication tools
  • Improve productivity through the use of better, more timely information
  • Create and preserve lead time in work management and use it for planning and scheduling resources
  • Improve consistency and reliability of asset information
  • Achieve more productive turnarounds
  • Optimize preventive and predictive maintenance strategies

Target Audience

Delegates should represent a wide range of personnel in the organization who are involved in, or dependent on, effective maintenance planning, scheduling, and work control. These should include:

  • Maintenance Managers
  • Maintenance Supervisors
  • Personnel designated as planners or identified to become planners
  • Key leaders from each Maintenance craft
  • Key Operations Supervisors
  • Materials Management Managers/Supervisors
  • CMMS Administrator or key users
  • Key Maintenance support assistants
  • Other stakeholders in the Work Planning Function

Mechanical Engineering Outline

The course covers the following topics:

Modern Maintenance Management Practice in Perspective

Equipment Classification and Identification

  • Maintenance Practice in Perspective
    • Maintenance in the Business Process
    • Evolution in Maintenance Management
    • The Contribution of Maintenance to the achievement of the Business Objectives
    • Maintenance Strategy Development Process
    • The Business Objective
    • Business, Operations and Maintenance Key Performance Area
    • The Maintenance Objective
    • Roles and Accountability
  • Equipment Classification and Identification
    • CMMS Requirements
    • Functional Location
    • Equipment Type Classification
    • Equipment Identification
    • Part Number and Bill of Material
    • Documentation Structures
    • Document Identification and Classification

Maintenance Policies and Logistics Planning

  • Maintenance Management Policies
    • Equipment Criticality Grading
    • Job Record Policy
    • Job Information Requirements
    • Principles of Work Order Design
    • Maintenance Work Prioritisation
  • Maintenance Logistics Planning
    • Logistic Support Analysis
    • Maintenance Task Detail Planning
    • Maintenance Work Estimating
    • Maintenance Levels
    • Support Documentation
    • Support Equipment
    • Personnel and Organisation
    • Competency Development

Failure Management Course Development

  • Failure Modes, Effects and Consequences
    • Equipment Functions and Performance Standards
    • Functional Failures
    • Failure Modes
    • Failure Effects
    • Consequences of Failure
  • Failure Management Policies
    • Age-Related Failure Patterns
    • Random Failure Patterns
    • Routine Restoration and Discard Tasks
    • Routine Condition-based Tasks
    • Types of Condition based Tasks
    • Failure finding Tasks
    • The application of RCM in the Development of Failure Management Policies
  • Implementing Failure Management Policies
    • Proposed Routine Maintenance Tasks
    • Categorizing and structuring Routine Maintenance Tasks
    • Corrective Maintenance Planning
    • Logistic Requirements Planning

Work Planning, Scheduling, and Control

  • Definition of Notifications, Defects, Deviations
  • Notification Process, Roles and Principles
  • Prioritizing Notifications
  • Weekly Master Schedule
    • Master Schedule Objectives
    • Categorize the Outstanding Workload
    • Determine Resource Availability
    • Determine Equipment Nonutilisation Profile
    • Develop Draft Master Schedule
    • Conduct Master Schedule Review Meeting
    • Final Master Schedule and Implementation
    • Backlog Management
  • Project Maintenance Management
    • Critical Path Analysis
    • Project Schedule
    • Resource Planning
    • Maintenance Project Plan
    • Schedule Resources and Materials

Information and Performance Management

  • Management and Information
    • Information and Control
    • Management Levels and Information
  • Performance Indicators
    • Performance Indicators
    • Workload Performance Indicators
    • Planning Performance Indicators
    • Effectiveness Performance Indicators
    • Cost Performance Indicators
    • Management Report


Ref Location From To Cost
ME15 Cairo 22-11-2024 26-11-2024